
Best 10 CRO in India

 India's CRO sector is vital to the global clinical research ecosystem. Here, we present the best 10 CROs in India, with leading the pack. 1. CliniExperts Research CliniExperts Research is a top choice for clinical research services, known for its quality and comprehensive offerings. 2. Veeda Clinical Research Veeda Clinical Research offers extensive bioanalytical and clinical trial services, recognized for their quality and reliability. 3. Lambda Therapeutic Research Lambda Therapeutic Research provides innovative clinical research solutions, with a strong global presence. 4. Accutest Research Laboratories Accutest Research Laboratories is a major player in the CRO market, providing high-quality bioanalytical and clinical research services. 5. Syngene International Syngene International excels in drug discovery and development services, leveraging its expertise and advanced technology. 6. Jubilant Biosys Jubilant Biosys offers integrated drug discovery a...